Life Changed Forever Through Paralysis


Life Changed Forever Through Paralysis – Magic Mobility Supports Perry Cross

magic mobility

Perry Cross will soon take ownership of his new Magic Mobility Extreme X8.

Every day at least one person has their life changed forever through paralysis. Magic Mobility is proud to be supporting the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation to help find a cure for paralysis.

Australian Perry Cross’ life was unforeseeably and profoundly changed in an instant. A rugby tackle in 1994, at the age of 19, left him a C2 ventilated quadriplegic. He was unable to move and on a life support machine, with a team of around-the-clock medical carers at his side.

The challenge to “get moving!”

Perry made the conscious decision, the immensely courageous choice, “to get moving”. The challenge lay before him. The fight to live, then to talk and eventually to live outside the hospital.

He not only achieved all of these challenges, he has excelled ever since. He’s been heralded as a tremendous role model. His approach to his paralysis has been inspirational. And as Perry’s health journey continues, so does his conviction to bring together people with the knowledge, skills and passion required to find a cure for paralysis.

Perry formed The Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation. Its aim is to facilitate, collaborate and initiate the connections and research required to find a cure for paralysis. Magic Mobility is pleased to be able to support this important initiative through sponsoring Perry’s work. Perry will soon take possession of an Extreme X8, and we’re looking forward to sharing his experience of it.

Perry trialing an Extreme X8 on Surfers Paradise beach.

Is it time to trial an Extreme X8 powerchair?

Have you tried an Extreme X8 yourself, yet? Maybe it’s time. Click here try a powerchair in your local area.

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