Captaining your team | Magic Mobility


Captaining your team

We had a chat to Magic Mobility users Ray and Mark about why it’s so important that they lead their team, and what being team leader means to them.

For Ray, being surrounded by the right team is key to finding the right products and funding, to help you be the most able you can so you can get on with life.

Ray has chosen his team based on those who can give him plenty of advice, with his doctor, OT and physiotherapist all offering him support. The most important part, he says, is leading the team.

“Your strongest advocate is you. Your doctor and OT are all members of your team, but you are the captain,” Ray says.

For Mark, having the right powerchair changes the supporters he surrounds himself with, and his relationship with his team. Without his Frontier V6 All Terrain, Mark would need 24/7 care.

“Without my Magic Mobility powerchair, I probably would never have moved out of my parents’ home. Now I live with my fiancée, and I’m able to work four days a week too,” Mark says. “My parents don’t have to worry about tending to all my needs, now they can just be normal parents again.”

Mark also says that having an OT who knows him well is a great addition to his team, and key to finding the right powerchair that has become an extension of his body.

“A wheelchair is an incredibly personal piece of equipment, and if you don’t get it right it could have a big impact. When you’re finding the right wheelchair, your aspirations, routines and goals for the future matter as much as your current circumstances, because hopefully you will be able to use your powerchair now and as your needs change in the future,” Mark said.

“Having a team is important, and your team members should be able to give you plenty of advice, but in the end you’re the captain, and you make the final decision about what’s best for you,” Ray said.

Are you looking for a new wheelchair? Watch the video to see Ray’s top tips for choosing the right powerchair:

Interested in learning about Magic Mobility powerchairs? Contact us to find out more.

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